After researching the different aspects of emotion in design and branding, I take the next step and decide to create my own fictional case. For that, I took some time and started to look for a brand or organization that could take the role of the client for my campaign. Because of my interest in politics and social issues, I decided to inform myself about digital labour and new ways of work. Through the United Nations website, I found out about the International Labour Organisation (ILO), which understands itself as an intersection between governments, employers and workers. It consists out of 187 member states and promotes new standards for labour and respectable working conditions.
The ILO uses its platform to raise awareness for a diverse field of different problems, like digital labor platforms and how workers are treated. Digital apps like Uber or Liferando seem to have failed when it comes to worker’s rights and protection. The delivery drivers are treated as independent contractors, with no social benefits like pension coverage, health, or insurance plans. Due to the pandemic, the problems of those delivery drivers became even worse. Especially the situation in emerging countries continues to be tough and no safety measures to prevent a covid infection are taken. I think it is important to raise awareness of this topic and to support the IOL in their strive for better working conditions.