05 | Online interaction scenario: Experience Map

In this entry and following entries I want to find out which tools and methods can enhance the effectiveness of online interaction. Due to the ongoing lockdown we are still dependent on managing nearly all of our communication and interactive activities online. Recently I observed that some of those online meetings took a lot longer than I expected (based on previous experiences with presence group work). On the other hand, I have heard from some lecturers that they do not have enough time in online lectures for their content in comparison to presence lectures. So what is the matter with timing in online interaction? As I examined in a previous entry, every online interaction is based on a different occasion, context, and goal. Therefore I assume that the effectiveness of each meeting is influenced by different factors. Regarding my role as an interaction designer I want to find out what are the influencing factors, how they are related and most important: How to improve them in order to enhance the online interactions? To achieve that I am going to examine different scenarios that are based on my own experience, go on with observing similar situations, find out more about theoretical background through secondary research and also do interviews and testings with users.

In order to use common methods I wanted to do an experience map. An experience map helps to see the big picture of the customer journey without going too much into detail. It helps to uncover needs and pain points before having a look at a too specific product. As a persona I choose the following person:
Sophie, female, 25 years old, is currently studying for her master’s degree in “Translation and Dialogue Interpreting”. She is really social, loves to cook and bake and lives in a shared flat in Graz. Due to the pandemic she has to follow her lectures at home for one year now. Because translating and interpreting needs a lot of training, practical experiences and good equipement studying online is giving her a really hard time.

Own visualization, Marie Kunzmann, 14.05.2021

I found out that Sophie has a few difficulties which are surely transferable to other students’ experiences. With the recommendation section I could collect some ideas on how to improve her situation. Every experience is based on individual characteristics and the context. Having that in mind I want to go on with methods like the experience map to find out more about other use groups.

https://xd.adobe.com/ideas/process/user-research/user-experience-mapping/, last review 14.05.2021
– Jens Jacobsen, Lorena Mayer: Praxisbuch Usability und UX, Rheinwerk Computing, 2019