Current example of design in politics and society

Black Lives Matter Movement

The aim of a protest is always to clearly draw attention to a maladministration. And these moments of protest, of disagreement with the situation should not remain moments, but rather stay in the mind and change something.
Traditionally, art has supported protests by creating posters, t-shirts and pins with impactful messages and eye-catching graphics. Currently, whether due to corona restrictions or the increasingly digital world, one sees a different tenor of social activism, especially on Instagram.
Movement guides appear, instructions for virtual protesting, reading black authors, unlearning the white savior, and many more. These guides are not just about expanding the visual landscape of a moment of protest, but also finding a way forward and asking: what’s next? And this question is asked precisely to those with privileges and power.

So the question is how can we continue sharing but do it in an effective way? We have to think about our target audience (the oppressor) and where they hang out virtually. We have to use their hashtags to meet them virtually.

Manassaline Coleman on Instagram

While there are specific measures to defuse and abolish the police force, these demands are being addressed by advocates, activists, policymakers, bureaucrats and the courts. The changes requested by the design community require more personal forms of accounting if there are no legal provisions. They require recognition and accounting with undeserved privileges and powers. The demand for humanity and justice; the right to have the same vote in decision-making.
The designers who created Movement Guides demand that colleagues in privileges and powers equally grapple with these ideas about who you are and what privileges you have. The goal is to mutually change and allow yourself to be changed. Trying to say and do the right things. Clear, understandable but above all factually correct to communicate and protest and thus to bring about changes.