It is a treatment based on music as therapy, which emphasizes some specific musical elements (such as rhythm, melody, dynamics, tempo) in the construction of the therapy, to treat people with neurological disorders.
It is based on the neuroscientific research of perception and music production. Furthermore, it also examines how the brain responds to music and affects neuroplasticity to help the brain recover from injury in the areas of movement, language and cognition.
Music and rhythm affect multiple areas of the human brain at a subconscious level, this means that rhythm can be used to build connections in the brain, thereby improving its functions. This leads to a more productive and functional life.
There is however a difference between Music Therapy and NMT.
Music Therapy seeks more to treat aspects of patient need such as emotional, physical and mental.
NMT focuses on the physical effect of music and rhythms on the brain and its connections through NMT intervention, which are specific research-based techniques.
Here is an example of an approach to neurological music therapy from the Spaulding rehabilitation network:
They program focuses on three keys areas:
- Speech & Language: Aphasia, Apraxia, Dysarthria, Voice Disorders
- Sensorimotor: Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Gait Training
- Cognition: Attention, Memory, Initiation, Executive Function, Neglect training
Treatment areas include:
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Acquired Brain Injury
- Stroke
- Huntington’s Disease
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Cerebral Palsy
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Autism
The therapy session varies according to the goal of the patients.
When working on speech, they may practice using their voice while singing along with rhythmic guitar playing or preparing their vocal muscles by playing wind instruments.
When working on attention, they have a musical instrument to play while concentrating on sitting in their chair.
When working on walking or other physical movement, they may move around playing drums in the walking track or in the therapy room.
Many other forms are described in detail here:
Neurologic Music Therapy Services of Arizona – Neurologic Music Therapy
Spaulding Rehabilitation Network – Neurologic Music Therapy