The Environmental Film Activist Handbook | entry eight

„The environmental crisis is the epochal challenge of our times. In the long view, the very survival of human civilization is at stake, as also of the ecosystem that sustain countless other species. Yet to most of us, this is an invisible crisis. „ John A. Duvall

It is important that people get informed and educated about environmental issues. One way of helping to save the environment is environmental conservation work. 

What is conservation?

Conservation mostly refers to the preservation and maintenance of nature. The term conservation is used for the safeguarding of animals, plants and natural habitats. 

The wide definition of conservation is widely understood, but there are also more intricate meanings that can be extrapolated from the term. 

Ecological Restoration 

One of the main parts of conservation is the restoration of ecosystems. Typically, ecological restoration projects are introduced to counteract and hold harmful development. This is done in a number of different ways, such as reintroduction and rewilding. Reintroduction refers to a scenario where measures are put in place to recover a declining species in an area where they once thrived but have been detrimentally impacted by human development. Rewilding, on the other hand, refers to the restoration of entire landscapes, such as the large-scale plantation of native plant species. The main aim of restoration ecology is to create, maintain, and revive biodiverse habitats. 

Sustainable Development 

There are many overlaps in the definitions of sustainable development and conservation. A Brundtland Commission report in the late 1980s notably defined sustainable development as progress and advancement that meets the needs of the present, whilst also taking into account the capability of future generations to meet their own needs. 

For many sustainable development is seen as a form of conservation. By securing the needs of future generations, it will be essential to conserve vital resources. Also, it is often suggested that conservation cannot exist outside of a societal and economical context.

Sustainable Consumption 

Sustainable consumption is an important part of conservation and is one that involves careful monitoring, planning and strategizing. 

The thought behind sustainable consumption is that it is okay to consume or use different species, providing that it is not harmful to the environment and does not contribute to a decline in the species population levels. Various eco labels exist throughout the world to indicate which products are environmentally preferable and, thus, more likely to be beneficial in conservation. 

Animal Welfare 

Another key part of conservation is animal welfare. A lot of human activities are damaging and can cause suffering to animal species. In recent years, a growing body of literature supports the notion that wildlife conservation and welfare are intrinsically linked, though not all within the respective fields are in agreement. 

There are some conservationists who believe that animal welfare does not fall within the pool of conservation. There are many conservation projects that involve the death of animals. Deer culling, for example, is practiced in many locations throughout the world in order to maintain the health of forest ecosystems and prevent the spread of disease, which can occur when deer population density becomes too high. The emotional and caring aspect of animal welfare does not always align with the practical necessities of conservation.

Captive Breeding 

Captive breeding is a contentious topic within the field of conservation. Because of the fact that it is no longer possible to maintain all species in their natural habitat, many conservationists promote the preservation and breeding of these species in captivity. This is mostly carried out in zoos, conservation parks, aquariums and botanic gardens. 

A successful example of captive breeding is the Arabian oryx, which was reintroduced in Oman in 1982 after being hunted to extinction a decade earlier. A captive breeding initiative had been started in 1962 at the Phoenix Zoo, Arizona, who had grown their captive oryx population from nine to over 200. After several reintroductions across the Arabian Peninsula, Arabian oryx populations grew to over 1,000 in the wild. Unfortunately, the species is at risk again due to renewed hunting and capturing. 

Despite these successes, some conservationists believe that captive breeding goes against the principles of conservation and that some species should be allowed to become extinct as nature takes its course. This is problematic, though, as deciding which species should be saved is a difficult task. Almost all endangered animal species are either directly or indirectly harmed by human activity. 

Conservation Research 

The research carried out in the field provides vital information and direction for conservation projects, and it can also help to prioritize and inform the best possible actions. This research usually involves species monitoring, the development of new conservation methods, identifying issues within an ecosystem, and tracking endangered species. 

The focus of research is driven by a number of different factors, including academic interests, funding, and public opinion. The latter has played a big role in the conservation of sharks throughout the world. Shark populations have been declining for a number of decades due to fishing, climate change, habitat degradation, and pollution. 

Yet, despite this, the public perception of sharks is that they are an animal to be feared due to the documentation of numerous shark attacks in the public domain. Many scientists believe that this public perception has impeded the progress of shark conservation efforts in the past. In recent years a changing perception of sharks has been observed in the public eye, now sharks are increasingly observed as a vital species for the conservation of aquatic ecosystems, as opposed to vicious and predatory hunters. According to a 2011 report in the Marine and Freshwater Research journal, this public opinion shift has greatly infuenced research in shark conservation. Most importantly, increased funding for research has become available. This, coupled with an increase in willing research participants, has improved and greater informed shark conservation. 


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